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UEmploy: Consultancy for Employment Inclusion
(Project No 510784-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-LEONARDO-LMP)



The UEmploy project brings together expertise of seven partner organisations from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland and Ireland to develop and introduce a consultancy model to promote effective employment outcomes for European citizens with disabilities.

The aim of the project is to create a range of services and solutions to support both people with disabilities and employers.

Many companies realize that inclusive employment is an effective strategy. It enhances productivity and also meets corporate social responsibility targets. But most employers still have no real experience of employing a disabled person therefore proactive cooperation with them is needed. This counteracts stereotypes prevents discrimination and demonstrates the real advantages that stem from using the skills and capacities of employees with disabilities.

The UEmploy consultancy instruments will include checklists and tools to describe job-specific competencies, support for job-matching processes, potential problem identification, analysis of environmental obstacles, and provision of employer recommendations. During the project span 4-5 consultants will be trained in every participating country. They will start with development of networks in order to forge dynamic links with business and public agencies to ensure sustainability of the consultancy services.

Euroinform is a partner of Romanian training and consulting orgaisation EuroEd.

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