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LANGO Project: Language On The Go: e-Calendar to Encourage Language Learning
Project No 519242-LLP-1-2011-1-BG-KA2-KA2MP


LANGO Project:  Language On The Go: e-Calendar to Encourage Language Learning

The project brings together partners from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland and Malta to explore the opportunities offered by the new information and communication technologies to encourage language learning. The partners seek to develop an innovative e-learning tool to motivate learners of Bulgarian, Maltese, Greek and Russian languages..

The project aims to deliver mini-lessons which require a little effort on the part of the learners and are easy to absorb. LANGO users can learn the language literally on the go, at any time and place on flexible electronic platforms (web-based and IPhone). Moreover, part of motivating learning activities will be soon provided via widgets on Facebook.

The end product of the project is a LANGO calendar including 365 short language lessons in the four target languages. The learner will need to allocate every day of the year only 10 minutes to maintain and build upon their language skills.

The project is addressed to learners participating in EU mobility for study and work, immigrants and other people who wish to develop their language skills in the target languages for personal reasons (cultural interest, friends, business contacts, etc.

Euroinform is the coordinator of this project.

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